In our 2nd season, we are taking it up a notch with 5 divisions,
4 teams per division 20 games for each team, culminating in a division championship tournament.
The year-end tournament will be mid to late August.
u8 fireball
u10 smash ball
u12 thunder ball
u14 lightning ball
u 16 Crush Ball
Our summer league is action-packed with a pitching machine so the kids get as many reps as possible. combine this with walk-up songs player announcements, multiple player-of-the-game awards, home run distances for each age division, on on-field coaching it is the ultimate development league.
A reminder that this a daytime league so evenings are family time! Teams will be pink, red, black, and gold dawgs. maximum 12 kids per team kids will receive hats and t-shirts corresponding to which team they are on. please indicate size when registering games will be from 9-2 each day
u8/u10 will play at wyatt park
u12 and u 14 will play at conway glenn
u 16 will be airport heights
the league can be your only league or as a compliment to allstar as it is a daytime rep league that doesn't do arm damage while building game skills and confidence
current dirt dawgs use dawg25 for 25% off when registering.
the registration will be split into 2 payments of 400 (minus 25% for current Dawgs) payment with the second coming 2 months after the 1st
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Price Options
M7 summer League
low stress, high reps ultimate fun!
C$400.00every 2 months for 4 months
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